Sunday, January 2, 2011

Daily Activities

The days were filled with swimming and fun for all. The resort has awesome pools on different levels along with a really fast water slide. All the kids, (including the big ones), loved it!
Marco Polo, diving for money, and the pool bars were just some of the highlights. I really enjoyed the water aerobics every morning, especially for the music. I tried to run on the beach, but the humidity was stifling so it was easier to hit the gym and then dive into the water to cool off…what a life! Oliver, Colleen, and Paul enjoyed just sitting by the pool and reading books as they often don’t have the chance to take in some fiction. Mom found the sun too hot so relaxed in the shade, while Dad took in too much sun and finally put on some spf midweek!

We fell into a routine of doing the pools in the morning, having lunch and then heading for the beach. Eleny and Anastasia were always playing beach volleyball while Jim enjoyed his daily beach walk and teaching the kids how to find awesome seashells.

The Pacific was different everyday so we had to watch for flags to see if it was okay to swim in the water. Once it was high tide the stingrays came in and someone got stung…luckily none of the kids, so some days were spent further up on the sand.
When possible, the kids had a blast jumping waves, building sand castles and hunting for crabs and frogs. We also had a chance to kayak and go out for a sail on a catamaran.

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